Yavor Georgiev

Yavor is a PM at Snowflake working on developer experience. Previously at Docker, Auth0, Hulu, and Microsoft Azure.

Spring cleaning - speaker badge edition

19 November 2018

I was recently going through some old boxes and ran across this… 8 years of Microsoft speaker badges. Before I recycle all of these… some highlights:

  • Overall best badge goes to the folks who organized Microsoft Days Bulgaria 2011, who went with a whole airline theme that was reflected in the speaker and staff shirts, badges, and the design of the event overall
  • Cooleset badge goes to the folks at Øredev for embedding an awesome prism in theirs. Runner up goes to Silicon Valley Code Camp for a lanyard that’s also a working zipper.
  • Most boring and also most wasteful goes to TechReady/TechEd, who stuck to this thick fabric sleeve with a full booklet included in a back pocket for a number of years, even after everybody in the industry had moved on

Cameo appearance by a vintage campus cup, circa 2007.