Yavor Georgiev

Yavor is Co-founder and Head of Product at fusebit.io, a startup that makes in-product extensibility and integrations painless for SaaS developers. Previously at Auth0, Hulu, and Microsoft Azure.

Known issues with RIA Services V1 SP2 on Visual Studio 11 Beta

02 March 2012

Visual Studio 11 Beta went out a few days ago, and with it we have a refreshed RIA Services SP2 version that supports all VS 11 goodness:

  • Universal Providers
  • Support for the new Metro UI
  • Miscellaneous small changes to adapt to changes in project system, msbuild, and the designer.

However, there are some kinks that you should be aware of… it is a Beta after all:

  • If you try to use the Data Binding picker from the Properties pane to bind a property (for example the text in a TextBlock) to a property on a Domain Data Source, you’ll see it is not available. We are looking at addressing this issue.
  • Universal Providers have a known issue where Windows Authentication and Role Providers don’t work as you might expect. If you switch your web app containing your Domain Service to Windows auth, be sure to make the change shown below. Having to do this is a limitation that will go away after Beta.
<!-- change this line -->
<roleManager enabled="true" defaultProvider="DefaultRoleProvider">

<!-- with this line -->
<roleManager enabled="true" defaultProvider="AspNetWindowsTokenRoleProvider">

Please let us know if you encounter any other issues via our forum.